Thursday, July 7, 2011

Moab and the "Bitter Beer face"

Earlier this month, we had a wonderful trip to Moab. It was the first time I had ever been there (as well as Mahal) and it was really fun! We were able to take my Mom and Flint's Rhino down and climb the awesome red rocks. Thanks for that Mom and Flint! We camped, went hiking, ate at some really good restaurants and had lots of ice cream! I don't think that Mahal loved the Rhino as much as Adg and I did but we still had fun!
The "Bitter Beer" face......... or lets call it the Popeye the Sailor man face. I told Adrian that I didn't want Mahal to know what the "Bitter Beer" face was this early in life!:) She loves to pull this face at everyone. Especially me when I ask her not to touch or to get down from something. We just love her SO MUCH!

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