Wednesday, September 14, 2011

DISNEYLAND and my first steps!

Family Vacation!!!! This summer for vacation we went to Disneyland and San Diego. SO much fun!!! We were a little nervous to take Mahal to Disneyland this year because we thought that she was too young, but we were surprised! She did awesome! Disneyland has great accommodations for families that have babies and I never knew about them until we were there. They have a little special place that you can go and nurse and change diapers in a private, air conditioned building. She had so much fun too. I think that her favorite part of Disneyland was seeing Micky Mouse and Rapunzel (from Tangled.... her favorite movie that we watch 900 times a day.)

All locked up in Toon Town

We also stayed in San Diego for most of our trip. We went to Sea World, San Diego Zoo, and a new place called San Diego Safari. Mahal loved all of the animals. She had a fun time with Dad making all of the animal sounds when we stopped at each animal. I think that out of all four of the parks (besides Disneyland being the best...) The San Diego Zoo was really fun!

The Dolphin show at Sea World was the best!

Dad, Mahal, and the tiger.

Mahal, Dad, and The Lion Man at the Zoo.

Mahal loves her glasses!!!! This is us at the Safari park.

This is us on the Safari bus tour of all the animals.

We were able to go to the temple in San Diego and it was so beautiful! I'm grateful for the gospel in our lives and that we can be an eternal family! The spirit was so strong and it was so peaceful. We also took a stop at the Mormon Battalion. WOW.... never really knew what it was all about until I got there. What a sacrifice our ancestors had to go through for us! We are blessed. The thing I thought was most interesting about the Battalion was that women and children were apart of it. Who would of thought! We had a really good time!

Mahal also took her first four steps all by herself when we were at our hotel!!!!! (Aug. 16, 2011) She'll be walking before we know it!
We went to the beach one day and it's not Mahal's favorite place. She liked playing with the sand and watching all the birds fly around but when it came to the water.... she was out!

We had so much fun on our trip this summer! We are excited to see where we will go next year:)!!!!

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