Monday, October 24, 2011

Marathon and Fall fun

Well, I finally did it...... A MARATHON! Check it off the bucket list. I keep saying that it was one and I'm done running them, but I will probably do another one. It really wasn't too bad, the hardest part of the whole thing was trying to find the time to train. During the run, besides the fact that it was raining like cats and dogs... from mile 15 to 17 it started to hail. The size of pennies. It sucked!!!!! But, I made it and it was a great accomplishment for me! My amazing husband brought me some beautiful flowers at the finish line! He is the best! I'm thankful for my mom, gma, and little brother Chase who were at the finish line! Cindy, Sierra, and Deaneayer were at mile 19! They had great signs to help me push through to the end! And how can I forget my little princess Mahal! She was there too, cheering me on the whole way and she was so tired she fell asleep at the finish line! Bless her heart! I have an amazing family!

Sierra came over today and wanted to rake all of the leaves and jump in them. So, we looked for a rake and couldn't find one and then Sierra out of the corner of her eye said " look there's one of there". She was pointing to the neighbors house. We ran over grabbed it and ran back to the house. We just borrowed it for a few minutes:). Mahal didn't know if she liked playing in leaves. She didn't want anything to do with jumping in them. Today's the last day of good weather, fall weather. Then the snow will come. Bummer!

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