Sunday, February 5, 2012

Please and Thank you

Mahal is so stinking cute! We love her so so so so much and she has started to be so polite. She now says thank you and please for everything. She also has started saying sorry. I don't think that she realizes when the right time to say it is, but she is so cute when she says it. Yesterday morning, i had to wake her up to go in and teach aerobics. I tried to wake her up and all she wanted to do was sleep. I wrapped her blanket around her and picked her up, went outside and put her in her car seat trying not to wake her up. Thinking that she was sleeping, with her eyes closed she said, Mom i go, I go mom. I tried not to laugh but then she said, bye dad, bye dad and was then wide awake! Wow I love her! It's hard to think I could love any other child as much as I love her! Adrian thinks the same! She is the light in our lives!
She is really into movies now. I try to limit the amount of T.V. and movies we watch because I don't want her to be a lazy couch potato, but she sure does love her movies. Her favorite movie right now is Finding Nemo. She says Nomo; i watch Nomo. She could watch it over and over and over again! I can't wait for summer! We will be outside everyday!

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