Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Happy Birthday Mahal!!!

WOW! Can you believe that Mahal turned 2?? I can't! She is growing up and getting so big! She had such an awesome Birthday party! We rented out the Clark's water slides and had dinner and cake and ice cream. We had gone on the slides last year for our ward party and she really liked it so that's why we decided to do it this year for her party. She did NOT like the slides this year!!! I took her down and she held on to me so tight I thought I was going to choke to death. She ended up just hanging out with her friend Mason and they just sat there and ate Cheetos. We also got her a pinata and she loved trying to break it open. Eventually, one of the little boys that came smashed it open and candy went every where. She picked out a Little Mermaid cake this year and it was so cute! Of course all she wanted to do was eat the frosting... she must be Adrian's daughter;)! We had a lot of people that came and over all it was just a lot of fun! We love Mahal SO, SO much and are so grateful for her in our lives! She makes us so happy and we are proud to be her parents. Happy Birthday Mimi Bug we love you!


 She Loves The Little Mermaid!

 She LOVES FROSTING!! That's the only part of her cake that she ate!:)

 She loved all of her gifts! Thanks everyone!!

Nani helped her open all her did her good friend Mason!

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