Thursday, December 1, 2011

Tickle, tickle, tickle

Mahal is so funny! Where she gets her spunk and attitude, I have no idea. About a week ago, she was laying in our bed asleep and Adrian and I climbed in with her and all of a sudden she rolled over to me with her eyes closed and said tickle, tickle, tickle, (pause) tickle, tickle, tickle. It was so funny! Adrian was trying not to laugh, but it was really hard not too. She is so cute! Her new words the past couple of weeks are tickle, please, cheese, and drink. She loves to say Chase, Dad, Mom, and Grandpa. She will stand at the bottom of the stairs every morning and yell for Grandpa. Most of the time he is out on the farm, but if he is inside he will always yell back at her. Whenever she gets in trouble now she will come over, pucker up her lips and give you a big fat smooch. Adrian always says to her that just because she comes over and gives kisses it's not going to get her out of trouble, but she always gets out of it. Right now her favorite movie is Madagascar and she loves to dance and shake her butt to I like to move it, move it.
We had a great Thanksgiving! Just spent time with some family and went to the turkey burner at the rec. Adrian came too and it was a blast. He was sore for a few days, but i'm really glad he came!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Big 29!!!

Happy Birthday Dad(on the 6th)!!! Can you believe it, Adrian is 29! It's going to be so crazy when he turns 30. We are going to have to have a major party for that with dancing girls and everything;)(JK). We hope he had a great day! We love you Dad!!!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Marathon and Fall fun

Well, I finally did it...... A MARATHON! Check it off the bucket list. I keep saying that it was one and I'm done running them, but I will probably do another one. It really wasn't too bad, the hardest part of the whole thing was trying to find the time to train. During the run, besides the fact that it was raining like cats and dogs... from mile 15 to 17 it started to hail. The size of pennies. It sucked!!!!! But, I made it and it was a great accomplishment for me! My amazing husband brought me some beautiful flowers at the finish line! He is the best! I'm thankful for my mom, gma, and little brother Chase who were at the finish line! Cindy, Sierra, and Deaneayer were at mile 19! They had great signs to help me push through to the end! And how can I forget my little princess Mahal! She was there too, cheering me on the whole way and she was so tired she fell asleep at the finish line! Bless her heart! I have an amazing family!

Sierra came over today and wanted to rake all of the leaves and jump in them. So, we looked for a rake and couldn't find one and then Sierra out of the corner of her eye said " look there's one of there". She was pointing to the neighbors house. We ran over grabbed it and ran back to the house. We just borrowed it for a few minutes:). Mahal didn't know if she liked playing in leaves. She didn't want anything to do with jumping in them. Today's the last day of good weather, fall weather. Then the snow will come. Bummer!

Monday, September 19, 2011


Adrian and I had the opportunity to go to Nebraska to a Huskers game and man was it a blast! We were so grateful to be able to stay at Adrian's aunts house to save some money! We loved spending time with their family! They have 2 cute kids and it made us miss Mahal! There is no way she would have made the long drive there and back...... and in such a short time. The game was awesome!!!! We had great seats even though they were row 97! When we were walking to our seats, I was assuming that there were 100 rows up but I was wrong. They only have 98 rows so, we were really up there!!!! Travis and Renee went to the game with us and they had great club seats! Renee let Adrian sit with Travis the first half of the game and he really enjoyed it! Renee and I cheered our guts out! It was so much fun!!!!! Long drive but we made it!!!!:)

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

DISNEYLAND and my first steps!

Family Vacation!!!! This summer for vacation we went to Disneyland and San Diego. SO much fun!!! We were a little nervous to take Mahal to Disneyland this year because we thought that she was too young, but we were surprised! She did awesome! Disneyland has great accommodations for families that have babies and I never knew about them until we were there. They have a little special place that you can go and nurse and change diapers in a private, air conditioned building. She had so much fun too. I think that her favorite part of Disneyland was seeing Micky Mouse and Rapunzel (from Tangled.... her favorite movie that we watch 900 times a day.)

All locked up in Toon Town

We also stayed in San Diego for most of our trip. We went to Sea World, San Diego Zoo, and a new place called San Diego Safari. Mahal loved all of the animals. She had a fun time with Dad making all of the animal sounds when we stopped at each animal. I think that out of all four of the parks (besides Disneyland being the best...) The San Diego Zoo was really fun!

The Dolphin show at Sea World was the best!

Dad, Mahal, and the tiger.

Mahal, Dad, and The Lion Man at the Zoo.

Mahal loves her glasses!!!! This is us at the Safari park.

This is us on the Safari bus tour of all the animals.

We were able to go to the temple in San Diego and it was so beautiful! I'm grateful for the gospel in our lives and that we can be an eternal family! The spirit was so strong and it was so peaceful. We also took a stop at the Mormon Battalion. WOW.... never really knew what it was all about until I got there. What a sacrifice our ancestors had to go through for us! We are blessed. The thing I thought was most interesting about the Battalion was that women and children were apart of it. Who would of thought! We had a really good time!

Mahal also took her first four steps all by herself when we were at our hotel!!!!! (Aug. 16, 2011) She'll be walking before we know it!
We went to the beach one day and it's not Mahal's favorite place. She liked playing with the sand and watching all the birds fly around but when it came to the water.... she was out!

We had so much fun on our trip this summer! We are excited to see where we will go next year:)!!!!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Happy Birthday

WOW!!!! Can you believe that our beautiful baby is one? How the time flies when you are having fun. We made a movie for her first birthday with all of the pictures from the past year and she has grown so much! We are so blessed to have such an amazing, beautiful, full of life, sassy, little angel in our lives. She teaches us to have a lot of patients and how to enjoy life every second of every day.
We let her have a Tangled cake for her party (that she picked out for herself). She loves that movie!!! She would watch it over and over and over again if I would let her! She also just started crawling up the stairs.....scary! She knows how to go up but not how to go down. We also gave her a portable dvd player that she can take and watch movies with in the car. This has saved our lives when we are driving. She hates the car!

I truly can't believe how big she is! We love her so much. I guess I never really understood the love that a mother has for her child until she came into my life. She makes me so happy and I miss her every time I'm not with her! Adrian is such a great dad and always helps (unless sports center is on) me with her. They are so funny together! I think sometimes he wishes she was a boy that he could play sports with. I always tell him that in due time we will have a boy:). When we went shopping for her birthday presents, he would pull the legos and footballs off the shelves and tell her she wanted them. Mahal is blessed to have such a wonderful father!
We are looking forward to the rest of the summer ahead and all of the fun things that we have planned. We are most excited to watch Mahal as she continues to grow! We love her and have such a great family!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Moab and the "Bitter Beer face"

Earlier this month, we had a wonderful trip to Moab. It was the first time I had ever been there (as well as Mahal) and it was really fun! We were able to take my Mom and Flint's Rhino down and climb the awesome red rocks. Thanks for that Mom and Flint! We camped, went hiking, ate at some really good restaurants and had lots of ice cream! I don't think that Mahal loved the Rhino as much as Adg and I did but we still had fun!
The "Bitter Beer" face......... or lets call it the Popeye the Sailor man face. I told Adrian that I didn't want Mahal to know what the "Bitter Beer" face was this early in life!:) She loves to pull this face at everyone. Especially me when I ask her not to touch or to get down from something. We just love her SO MUCH!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

My first sun burn!!!!!

Am I a horrible mom or what?? My goal this summer was to try to not let Mahal get sun burned! So, our first outing to the pool this year and......

yep, you got it--- sun burn! I put sun screen on all the kids and it was even SPF 85. Poor baby! I feel so bad. I guess i learned my lesson and from now on I will make sure and put it on more often!
Oh and how can I forget the suckers we ate the other day!

Funny Kids!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Finally... New Family Photo's

This past week was mothers day and we decided that for our mothers we were going to give them new family photos! I have been wanting to get them done for a long time! My wonderful and amazing sister-in-law Kylee took them for us and did a fantastic job. We are so grateful for her and the time that she took to take them.

Mahal was so tired and cranky(bad day to get pics for us)! Luke tried everything to get her to laugh/smile but nothing....

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Easter Bunny and First's

Easter was so enjoyable! Mahal didn't really understand what was going on but she had a lot of fun with the things that she got from her Grandma's. This week has been full of first's for Mahal. On Monday April 25th, she stood all by herself!!!! She went right over to this little stool and stood right up. She has been trying for awhile. Then, yesterday Saturday April 30th, she took her first little crawl. The right way..... she has been scooting around really funny but finally she did it with both knees on the floor. We love her so much but she is really sassy sometimes!

She loved the candy inside the eggs!

Easter Sunday just hanging out with Dad!!!

Grandpa and Mahal sitting in the old rocker.

Mahal's first time dying Easter eggs

My first stand all by myself!

It was sunny one day this week and so I decided to take her outside and get some good pictures of her. It is a challenge to take her pictures!!! She loves to be outside and when she is out there she has no attention span. I can't get her to smile for anything! And on top of all the the bird, grass, and bugs all over, the neighbor's horse got out and all she wanted to do was watch it run.

Oh and how can I forget the highlight of our day after our photo shoot... My little brother showed up at our house with his new pet.

Three weeks ago my mom and I took the kids to Baby Animal days and it was fun. Mahal loves animals!!! She was able to ride a pony and the boy that we helping us said that she was the youngest to ride that he had ever seen. It was raining/snowing but it didn't even phase the kids.

Overall the week has been great and we're looking forward to the next busy one we have ahead.