Saturday, January 29, 2011

Mahal's new adventures

Mahal went to the Jazz game(and let me mention --- we were on the 2nd row!!!)! Her first and final one until she is a little older:). We thought that she would enjoy it, but I think that it was too loud. We gave her some ear plugs and head phones but they didn't work. When the jazz would score she would jump out if her pants because of the noise. She loved the Jazz bear! Every time she saw him she got this crazy look on her face that was like what the heck are you and what are you doing???

Mahal also had her 6 month birthday! We had a fun little birthday cake for her and she got her 6 month shots! You would think that she would just dive into her cake and get it every where, but she didn't! Adrian put her face in it and she didn't know what to do---- she just cried.

Dad smashed my face in the cake!

My Shots!

When Mahal gets cranky the only way we can calm down is to go outside and look around. She LOVES being outside! She has a favorite friend that lives in the barn!!! Lucky the dog! Every time she see's the dog she wants to eat her up! The funniest thing happened the other day when we went down to the barn, she was screaming and we walked over to the cows and one of them mooed and she was so freaked out!!!!!! My mom was holding her and my mom was like we have to leave! It was kind of funny that she was crying because if the cow's moo.

Grandpa and Mahal freezing their buns.

Lucky the dog:)

She loves being naked!!!! That is her new thing!

This is her trying to help dad and being naked at the same time! She loves to help do everything!!!!

I can't believe how big she is getting! I love her so much!!!! Adrian too!!! The Lord has blessed us so much in the past few months and I'm so grateful for all that I have!

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