Friday, April 15, 2011

It's about time.....

So, I'm back from not blogging. I quit my job and you think that I would have all the time in the world to sit down and post a blog but, I don't. Being a mom is REALLY a full time job (and a great job). I never can get all the things done that I want but, i'm really thankful and blessed to be able to stay home with Mahal!
Well, a lot has happened in the months that I haven't posted! We went to Oregon/Washington for my brothers wedding and to see family! It was so much fun!!! We really enjoy spending time with my brother and his family! How we wished that we lived closer to them!:) Mahal loves her cousins! They have so much fun together and I think that they are ready to have a new brother/sister.:) Tessa and Emory love to take care of Mahal!
We had a lot of fun in Oregon. We went to the park, ate at some fun restaurants, played with cousins and went to the Portland temple.

This is us playing at the park....only day of sunshine!

This was Mahal's first time in a swing and she didn't know what to think of it.

This is us at the Temple and of course it was raining. We got soaking wet!

Mahal was in Dad's jacket the whole time at the temple.

My brother's wedding was in Portland and then the reception was in Washington....... long drive! We were able to go to Seattle with some of my family after the reception. It was really enjoyable! We went to the Pike's Place market and saw all of the fish and the fun things that people were selling. It was raining (like always) and cold. We went and ate at the Crab Pot. It's supposed to be a famous place to eat and was pretty good. It was the first time I had crab and lobster! It was o.k. but I will have to say that seafood is not my favorite! We took some fun pictures.

This is us and Honey on our way down A LOT of stairs to get to the Crab Pot.

Mahal is just loving life in the market. She is funny and has her own personality!

This is us standing on the Pier and we were freezing!

We saw a ton of sea food. I wonder how they sell it all and surprisingly it didn't smell all that bad.

Over all we had such a great time!

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