Mahal can finally sit up all by herself (Jan. 4th 2011) and while I am typing this..... this is what she is doing! She is so funny!
She had her first Christmas and her first stocking. She didn't care about anything but the wrapping paper.
She loves her daddy! He helped her open most of her gifts.
Mom helped her a little bit too! She got lots of fun toys from grandma and honey!
Her aunt Kayla came home from China and she never wants to leave Mahal alone!
Her favorite cousins came up from Oregon for the holidays and she has found a new love for real food! She hates baby food which is kind of a problem.
She is starting to talk a lot and her new favorite thing is to hiss like a snake before she says any words (or I guess they are just mumbles)! She is going to be a handful when she starts walking.....and crawling. Oh and how can i forget, she rolled over!!!!!!! All by herself! Back to front, she can't go from her front to her back yet. Isn't it harder for them to go back to front????
The joy of being a mother! I love every minute that I get to spend time with her. I am so thankful for my family and for the wonderful holiday season we had this year!
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